
Nicole and Victor | Shenandoah National Park Engagement Session | Blue Ridge Mountains Adventure Photography

“On second thought, let’s not go there. It is a silly place.”

There aren’t many people who I’ve met that know Monty Python, but Nicole did and we connected on that and Robin Hood Men In Tights and so it was a very good day. I know their wedding day is going to be a freaking blast because I didn’t want their engagement session to end. It was just fun, fun, fun on top of both of them being ridiculously stunning.

This is the two-hour photo shoot that is the most popular! We take a little tour down Skyline Drive checking out different locations. You can bring as many outfits as you’d like, and we explore the different views. Normally starting at sunrise or ending at sunset. The locations are always different depending on the lighting and how busy the Park is, or what the views look like that day. You can end it by going to a local coffee shop or brewery or place to eat and make it an awesome weekend away!